Sunday, March 20, 2011


Hey. So after reading this book thing I'm taking a whole new perspective on food. I mean my mom and I already shop at whole foods constantly and we eat organic as much as we can, but I really want to take this idea to a new level. First I'm making it my new new years resolution to recycle (I've been meaning to get on it for years but never got around to it); second my family and I plan on making some raised beds in our backyard and plant a garden. We have a half an acre of land and there is nothing growing in it except monster grass. I'm not kidding, one time a couple summers ago I didn't mow it for like a month and the grass got up to my waste. I had to mow it all later and it was like trying to mow the Serengeti Plains. Not fun. There were grasshoppers the length of a new pencil and once or twice we've seen a possum that is about half of the size of Maisy; so pretty much my backyard is an uncultivated wilderness beckoning to be used. After we build these raised beds over sb I also want to start composting our food wastes; this will just reduce my carbon footprint on the world and also give our garden a little extra boost here and there. My ultimate dream, though, is to have a couple of chickens so that there would be fresh eggs for breakfast every week. It would be awesome (except for the mutant possum). The only problemo is that padre ain't so hot on the idea so it probably won't happen. Really I just want to be able to help my parents save money on food and start reducing my contributions to green house gas emissions, and along the way there would be great food: it's a win win situation. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle was a great book and it addressed a lot of pertinent issues about small farming that I had never thought about. My favorite part of the book was when Babs and her family visited David and Elsie's farm in Ohio; the quaintness of their farm and the integrity of the food was so awesome. Overall it was a good book.

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